
Archive for May, 2018

Declaration of Copyright Trademark

Declaration of Copyright Trademark. I am known by the name: ©Steven of the family: Kirk., Creditor, Trustee, Secure Party, Author of the Copyright Name Trademark, Claim autograph STEVEN KIRK™; or any derivative thereof HEREBY ATTEST THAT, I am competent and capable of handling my private and commercial affairs in my full capacity as Agent for […]


Birth Certificate FRAUD

Birth Certificate Fraud; Clausula Rebus Sic Stantibus (BCCRSS) BIRTH CERTIFICATE FRAUD; CLAUSULA REBUS SIC STANTIBUS  by kate of kaea “ATTENTION: Lawyer, Judge, Government Agent/employee, Police, Common Man etc. et al/any/all who serve as a fictional LEGAL NAME/TITLE/I.D.-ENTITY (pronounced phonetically example: “leg-all enemy”((N-AM-E), “tit-El”/Luciferian)) character in the legal world reality; Author’s note where the “author” is defined […]