
Archive for May, 2018

Treason Act 1351

Treason Act 1351   Treason Act of 1351 Declaration what offences shall be adjudged treason. Item, whereas divers opinions have been before this time in what case reason shall be said, and in what not; the King, at the request of the lords and of the commons, hath made a declaration in the manner as […]


Magna Carta 1297 STATUTE

Magna Carta 1297 (STATUTE) Only three parts of Magna Carta 1297 (STATUTE) still exist on the STATUTE ROLL, they are highlighted in blue. This can be checked out at: (Magna Carta)(1297) 1297 c. 9 25_Edw_1_cc_1_9_29 X1 X2 THE GREAT CHARTER OF THE LIBERTIES OF ENGLAND, AND OF THE LIBERTIES OF THE FOREST; CONFIRMED BY KING […]