
Archive for May, 2019

Notice of Understanding, Intent and Claim of Right

A Claim of Right from John-Henry :Doe John Key, the man acting as the Prime Minister for New Zealand; Christopher Finlayson, the man acting as Attorney General for New Zealand; David Collins, the man acting as Solicitor General for New Zealand; Pieri Munro, the man acting as Wellington Chief of Police; Dear Madams and Sirs: […]


Policing Enforcement Officers At My Door Again

Non-Negotiable ©steven: of the family kirkC/o address In Your Private Capacity 05th May 2019 emailed Dear Michael in your personal and private unlimited capacity, Thanks for your order posted through the letter box on the 05th May 2019 and find enclosed a bill for that order. First of all me/myself/i am/are not a legal […]