
Archive for the Lawful Rebellion Category

Doctor Blows Whistle on Flu Shot: ‘It’s Designed to Spread Cancer’

Doctor Blows Whistle on Flu Shot: ‘It’s Designed to Spread Cancer’ 05/18/2018 BY STILLNESS IN THE STORM 1 COMMENTFacebookTwitterEmailPinterestRedditShare (Med Daily) Dr. John Bergman issues warning to the public of ‘flu panic’. Dr. John Bergman says the flu vaccine is laced with cancer-causing ingredients. A top doctor has gone on the record to blow the whistle in a […]


Council Tax Update: Statutory Demands and Bankruptcy petitions

With a lot of publicity around Council Tax Bankruptcy this clarifies and explains the administrative procedure used by the courts and councils This article is a follow up to“ How to Not get summonsed for Non Payment of Council Tax” if you have not seen the article take a look. See also council Tax Bankruptcy and Lawful […]