
Archive for the Lawful Rebellion Category

Motu Proprio of Francis and why by Rule of Law means no one can be above the Law

Hello and thanks for reading and listening to this weeks blog and audio on the Motu Proprio issued by Pope Francis on the 11th of July 2013 and why under proper Rule of Law, no one can be above the Law. Well a lot has happened since last weeks blog and audio on “Why the […]


Affidavit Of Obligation Commercial Lien Michael Payne And Others

Served on the 18th June 2019 Affidavit Of Obligation Commercial Lien (This is a verified plain statement of fact(s)). i, steven: as commonly called of the kirk family, being the autographed below, do solemnly swear, declare, and depose: That i am competent to state the matters set forth herein. That i have first-hand knowledge of […]