
Shoe Horned Into The EU…. TREASON

Click on the link below for a copy of !Shoe Horned in the EU when this country was sold out by the Heath government in 1972 and committed High Treason which is still being carried out to this very day and the police are aiding and abetting in this High Treason along with every MP, Councillor and Council and has been covered up and hidden from the people for 30 years and the police do nothing but protect dirty disgusting pedophiles, war criminals, mass murders lie and deceive the people they are supposed to protect nothing but Treason and have lost all respect in this country of Great Britain.

Shoe Horned Into The EU Zip File

Shoe Horned Into The EU

A list of what is inside Shoe Horned into the EU and proof Treason has been committed against us all by the very people we are supposed to be trusting namely all Government past and present, all police forces across the country, all councils across the country, all MP’s.

  • All Source Documents
  • Anthony Royle Report
  • Anti Common Market Leaflet 1971
  • Draft Fact Sheet For The Implications For Sovereignity
  • European Integration Dept – Monnet
  • FCO Conspires On KBO
  • FCO IRD Plan
  • FO EID Town Twinning
  • Government Tracking Enoch Powell
  • Hansard EC Bill 2nd Reading
  • Heard’s Letter On Heath
  • Mtngs Lord’s Presidents Office
  • Rippon on Sovereignity
  • State Of Parties St John Stevas
  • A Case For Treason MP4
  • FCO 30/1048
  • A Case For Treason document
  • Plus many other documents